No Debt, No Sweat! Personal Money Management Seminar™
Steve’s style is humorous and upbeat–yet very Biblical. Although Steve deals with tough topics—he always exudes hope and grace. The goal: regular chuckles with an occasional belly laugh.
His positive, hope filled approach is a welcome breath of fresh air for people who are burdened and broken by the stress of too much debt. His approach is confessional because that’s the best way to touch other people who are hurting. Steve speaks to the hearts of people who have too much month left at the end of their money.
To Learn More, Contact Steve Diggs

No Debt, No Sweat! Personal Money Management Seminar™
During a No Debt, No Sweat! Personal Money Management Seminar™...
1. Christians learn how kill the Debt Monster -and begin giving like we should by developing spending plans (budgets) that really work.
2. Romance is restored in marriages.
3. People learn to save for college and prepare to retire with dignity.
4. The seminar is also seeker-friendly. It’s an ideal way to reach our unsaved friends. Churches that invite their communities broaden their outreach and build credibility. This approach opens peoples’ hearts to the Ultimate Message.
5. It is both humorous and confessional-yet profoundly Biblical.
6. No Debt, No Sweat! Personal Money Management Seminars™ “softens the beachhead” for churches that may want to offer an on-going small group study in Godly money management.
7. People learn that there is real hope-a brighter future.
Four Hope-Filled Sessions
Failure. The First Step to Success
The session also discusses:
• “What Motivates Us To Borrow?” (The Need vs. Greed Equation)
• “How Financial Bondage Saps Our Spiritual Vigor, and Gets Us Off God’s Pathway”
• “Freedom From Materialism”
The A, B, C's of Christian Money Management
“A”cknowledge Who Owns Your Money
• The 3 Great Principles of Godly Giving
• The Blessings of Godly Giving
• The Dangers of Greed and the “Prosperity Theology”
“B”udget Your Money
• Why We Don’t Like To Budget.
• How to Develop Your “Personal Financial Freedom Plan.”
• 9 Keys for a Successful Budget
“C”ontrol Your Money
• Learn the Difference Between “Need Money” and “Seed Money”
• 3 Ways to Achieve Financial Freedom (Without Using A Mask and A Gun!)
• The “Wolf Barrier”-How to Keep the Wolf Away From the Door Permanently!
• Out of debt (not counting your home) in 1 to 4 years!
Beating Debt and Developing Our Budgets
• A Biblical Perspective On Borrowing and Debt
• Credit Cards: Plastic Prosperity or Plastic Explosives?
• A 7-Step Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Kit
• 4-Step Plan–Get Rid of Your Car Loan FOREVER!
Following the Lead of Successful People
• The 6 Secrets of the Great Investors
• How Mutual Funds Work
• Retiring From Your Job Without Retiring From God
• The Difference Between God’s and Satan’s Investment Approaches
What Others are Saying
In the business world, Steve is a sought-after corporate leadership, sales and customer service speaker. His client list includes American Airlines, McDonalds, the US Army, Hilton and many others. He is founder of The Fast-Forward Leadership Platform™ and has shared his cutting-edge insights over 3,500 times on 6 continents, written 10 books, and hosted 7 radio & television shows. He is the founder of 6 successful businesses, including a wildly successful Nashville communications and broadcast production firm.
Steve holds the highest earned degree in the professional speaking world: The National Speakers Association’s Certified Speaking Professional™ (CSP) designation…held by fewer than 3% of speakers worldwide. He is also an inductee of the Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame.
Steve lives in Nashville with his bride, Bonnie. “Thankfully,” Steve says, “she has picked my option up each year for 44 years.” The couple has four grown children and seven grandchildren.
In addition to No Debt, No Sweat Christian Money Management Seminar™ ( Steve also presents two other Christian seminars: The Leadership Summit™ ( and ReTooled & ReFueled Essential Christian Life-Skills Seminar™ ( More about Steve’s corporate work at